
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Autumn Cinnamon Apple French Toast

This might be the wrong thing to say to everybody.  But, I'm just not all that into "pumpkin".  It's everywhere you turn right now.  You just can't escape it!  If you're a pumpkin fanatic like (everyone) else, this is the best time of year!  But, I have a secret to share with you.  Pumpkin isn't the only fall flavor out there!  Say what?!  Yup... it's true.  Turns out, apple & cinnamon seems to be widely overlooked in the last couple of years (largely due to this pumpkin craze, I'd imagine).
So this morning, I made an extra special breakfast for the husband and our two gremlins.  I used 5 eggs and scrambled them in a dish with a splash of milk.  This was just enough for 8 slices of french toast.  I didn't doctor up the egg mixture with any other spices since the apples would be heavily flavored.

I peeled and sliced the apples using my apple peeler/ corer/ slicer.  Then, I tossed them in a large pan with a tablespoon of butter.  If you're using especially tart apples, you can sweeten them up with a tablespoon or two of sugar or if you're feeling especially naughty, pull out some brown sugar!  If your apples are nice and sweet like the ones I used this morning, you can skip the sugar!  Regardless of the sweetness of your apples, now's the time to add a tablespoon of vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, & 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon.  Let those cook down until they're soft while you work on frying up your french toast on a skillet.

Top the french toast with the cinnamon apples and then drench the entire thing in pure maple syrup.  Magic happens.  I promise.  Your mouth will do a happy dance and you'll be full and satisfied all morning.  Drink a strong cup of coffee with this meal otherwise you might just nod off into a post-breakfast slumber.  Not the worst thing to happen, but it's frowned upon while taking care of kiddos.

So here's how I'm going to end this post...  Go to a local apple orchard... Stroll past the pumpkins and go straight for the apples.  If you don't, you might be missing out on some of the best apples of the year.  Enjoy!


French Toast:
  • 8 slices of bread
  • 5 eggs
  • dash of milk
Combine egg & milk in a shallow bowl.  Dredge the bread covering both sides in the egg mixture.  Place on a hot skillet (using cooking spray).  Flip once.  Cook until golden brown on both sides.

Cinnamon Apple Topping:
  • 3 apples, peeled & sliced
  • 1 TBS butter
  • 1 TBS pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 TBS cinnamon
  • (brown or white sugar optional, to taste)

Peel & thinly slice 3 apples.  Melt the butter in a large pan then add the apples & remaining ingredients. Stir to coat.  Allow the apples to soften while you cook the french toast.  Cook time: approx. 15 minutes.

I linked up to this fabulous party: 
The 36th Avenue

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