
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Crafty Bats

I explained yesterday that I am all about super quick crafts these days.  Well, this one was probably more cheating than the banner I threw together.  But I can't resist sharing this because these bats are just too cute!

You can find the outlines for the bats here!
I used the smallest bats at one corner and progressively had them grow larger by the last window.

Now, here's why this project was such a cheat for me!  I hand cut all of these bats out with my sister-in-law TWO years ago!  Yup!  I was able to carefully take these down when Halloween was over and use them again.  Now, if you have a Silhouette Machine, this project could be super fast.  If not, hand cutting them while watching your favorite reality TV show isn't so bad (Survivor, anyone?!).

If you're wondering the best way to attach them to the window, my absolute favorite is double sided photo splits!!  I use those things for as many projects as I can!

Okay, so have you cheated at all in your Halloween decorations this year? Or are you just a regular Martha Stewart and you're blowing through the crafts with time to spare.  (Oh, I'm so jealous!)


I linked up to these fabulous parties:
Dream a Little Bigger


  1. I love so much that you graduated the size of the bats - I think that makes it even more awesome and realistic. But I can't believe that you hand cut them all, that's some crafty dedication! Thanks for linking up to Link It or Lump It!

    1. Oh the days before the Silhouette Machine haha thanks for stopping by!! :)


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