
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Free BonFire Starters

I shared this photo collage below on Monday and I really want to focus in on the top left pic for a moment, here.  Okay, now that you're done drooling, look past the s'more and check out that nice fire burning.  It's not built in our fire pit because we are dealing with some terrible fungus in our yard and apparently the best way to remove it is to burn it out.  Sounds like a great opportunity to have a little campfire and make some goodies!

Well, let me share a Girl Scout secret with you.  It's about how to easily start a fire.  It's called dryer lint, people!  That stuff is so incredibly (scarily) flammable!  I like to keep a cardboard egg carton near the dryer so instead of tossing the dryer lint in the trash, I toss it in the egg carton.

The nice thing about the egg carton method is that you can rip off sections as you need.  The problem comes in when you don't happen to buy your eggs in a cardboard container.  So many eggs are sold in plastic foam. Let's not burn that stuff, okay?

Fortunately, everybody uses toilet paper!  You can easily stuff old toilet paper rolls with dryer lint and then you have little individual "servings" of bonfire starters!

We never start a fire in our pit without these little puppies anymore!  They're incredibly convenient and like I said above, so scarily flammable!

So stop throwing away your dryer lint and egg cartons (or toilet paper rolls)!  Make some free bonfire starters!!


P.S. As always, be careful when you're playing with fire.  Use your head and always have a bucket of water or a hose near by for when the unexpected occurs!

Linked up to these fabulous parties: The NY Melrose Family

                                                              The 36th Avenue

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