
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"Welcome Baby" Wreath

Oh my!  I can't even believe that our newest little man in the house is 2 months old today!  He is the most laid back baby we've had so far and we're just over the moon in love.  His older sister and brother are a little too in love with him.  They hug and kiss him every waking moment of the day.

Before our little man was born, I had the whole house nice and clean and I had all of the laundry continuously caught up.  It was nesting to the max!  Well, I kinda ran out of things to clean and organize so I started to craft!  One of my crafts that I just had to make was some sort of wreath to welcome our little bundle of joy into our family.

This wreath is super easy and very quick to make.  I just cut out a circle from a piece of cardboard that we were going to throw out.  I'm sure it was from an amazon box because we're kinda obsessed over here. Then, I clipped the pins onto the cardboard!  Still with me, here? Pretty complicated, huh? :)

I painted it gender-neutral since we still didn't know if we were having a little guy or gal.  Then, I backed the clothes pins up a little to be able to cut the inner ring. I also made two separate banners for the names and didn't attach that part until we were home from the hospital.

We're still so shocked that we had a little boy!  Truthfully, we would have been just as shocked with a girl.  Our track record of guessing the gender of our babies isn't the most impressive.

What's hanging on your front door these days?  Send me an email!  I'd love to see! 
nearlyhandmade AT gmail DOT com


I linked up to these awesome parties: Creative SparkWhimsy Wednesday

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Janice!
    Your wreath is so darling!!
    How are you and little Henrik doing??
    I hope you're having a great start to your week,


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