
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Snickerdoodle Sunday Link-Up Party

Good Sunday Evening, everyone!  I have some exciting news to share with you!  I was asked by the fabulous ladies over at 2 Crochet Hooks to co-host a link-up party with them!  So, if you're a blogger, be sure to share your best projects & if you're not... no worries!  You'll have a bunch of inspiration to click through at the bottom of this post!  Not only did they ask me to co-host, they are featuring me!  Sheesh!  I really am blushing! Enough of my babbling... let's let them babble and get on to the party:

Welcome everyone to Snickerdoodle Sunday!! We are so glad you made it and brought your fab posts to share :)  You may have noticed we posted this a day later than usual. Starting this week we are running Snickerdoodle from 8pm ET Sunday to 8pm ET Tuesday.  We announced another change last week about how we were switching to one featured blogger. The plan is to showcase their blog, social media and a few of their latest and greatest posts. Kristina and I hope you will take the time to connect with this featured blogger as well as connect with those that have linked up to the party!  We will also give the featured blogger the option to co-host the next week's party and pick that weeks feature!

Our Featured Blogger & Co-host this week is: Janice from Nearly Handmade!

“I’m Janice from Nearly Handmade! I’m a stay at home momma of two with another little mouth to feed coming in June! I’m married to the most wonderful man in the world who puts up with my crazy ideas on how I want to make our home nearly handmade on a budget. I’m not afraid to pick up a saw, drill, or a paint roller to make my day dreams a reality and with a little help, I know you can do it, too!”
You can follow Janice here: Facebook, Pinterest, G+, Bloglovin'
Last week she linked up her So Simple Pinwheel Wreath

You might not know but Kristina and I LOVE wreaths and we both felt this was an original and unique design. Appropriate as well for April which is Child Abuse Awareness/Prevention month and the pinwheel serves as the national symbol for child abuse prevention.

Janice has so many great projects on her blog, we picked a few to showcase here:

Too neat growth chart
Awesome Swing set!!
Soak in Style!
Congrats Janice! Thanks for such an awesome blog!

2 Crochet Hooks

On to the Party!!
A Few Simple Rules - not required but appreciated!
  • Link up your family friendly posts (up to 3)
  • Visit a few other blogs, leave some comment love, pin, etc.
  • Share the love everyone!
  • Add our button to your page or post, it’s the nice thing to do :)
2 Crochet Hooks

  • Spread the word! The more people linking up great posts the more fun we have!
After the party check out our Snickerdoodle Pinterest page as we will post the favorites! All posts will be pinned to one of our boards. Thanks so much for coming and have a good week!

Let's Get our Groove on!!

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  1. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Thanks so much for hosting, Janice!
    Congratulations on your new gig ;0)
    Have a great week,

  2. It's so nice seeing you around blogland, Suzanne :) Thanks for linking up!

  3. {squeal!} So excited for you, Janice! I'm linking up my projects!

  4. Thank you, as always, Ashley! Just a "guest" co-host for this week! Still exciting though :)


If you have a question and your profile is attached to your email address, I'll send you an email! If not, check back here and I'll leave your response under your comment. Don't have a question? I'd love for you to say "hello", anyway! :)