
Monday, April 28, 2014

Edging the Garden: A Necessary Evil

Edging the Garden: A necessary evil?  Uh, no... Let me rephrase this... completely unnecessary.  But evil, for sure!  However, it's definitely beautiful if you have the time & energy to tackle this kind of project.

For the last couple years, I've been eyeing my next door neighbor's edging. It's something I notice and admire every single time I'm outside.  Is that weird?  Yes... I think so, too.  (I know many of my neighbors have beautiful edging... I'm just forced to look at theirs, next door, all the time.)

Turns out, this was a very good example of why I love blogging.  2 days into this project or about 5 hours, I was really beginning to wonder why I was doing this and if it was worth it.  Seriously.  Am I wasting my time?  This can't be making that big of a difference!  

Or maybe it was!  Once I looked back at my "Before and After" Picture I was shocked!   It looks so professional!

So how'd I do it?

This edger measures up just past my waist and is lightweight enough to not completely tire you out by just lugging it around.  It seems durable... and it better be!  This little edger wasn't cheap.  It was around $22 at Home Depot, but I was desperate to mimic my neighbor's clean edging!  ("Desperate"... go ahead and file this post under useless nesting for the baby")

I don't have any "in progress" shots of how I used this edger... I was in the zone.  It's hard to see in the photo, but there's a nice lip to be able to stand on.  I cut down into the ground right where I wanted the edge.  Then, scooped up the dirt and tossed it into the garden.  I picked out any grass clumps and discarded those.  While I was at it, I pulled any weeds I saw peeking up.  This little project is going to look so much better once we mulch again!  If you're wanting to see even more of an explanation on how to edge, check out this video here.  I'm not too proud to tell you that I totally watched this video to gain some confidence in what I was doing.

Have you been doing yard work lately?  It's been so sunny here, finally, that's it's hard to not be outside doing something!  Lucky for me though, it's supposed to rain for a couple days!  Yes... I'm excited to welcome this forced break from edging.  Did I mention that this project is evil?  Ya... It's easy to forget :)


Psst: Check back later this week for a pregnancy update and a related craft!  Whoa!!  Can you believe it has been 10 weeks since I last mentioned this little bun in the oven?  You can read about it there!

After Edging... I'm still standing so it couldn't be that bad...
Evil.. oh yeah, that's right! :)

I linked up to these great parties: 


  1. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hi Janice!! Your edging looks great! I admire stuff like that when I drive by homes who have beautiful yards. I think an edge looks more clean and defined. Hopefully it will be easier for your to maintain ~ now that you did the hard work of 'defining' it.
    You look adorable, by the way!
    Have a great Monday!

  2. Great job Janice! I attempted to get in my yard this past was short lived because the weeds were sooooo overwhelming! Unfortunately I have a good Year of weeds that grew last year while I was down with an achilles injury. Blaaaahhhh! So this year it will have to be baby steps. :)
    Great inspiration though!
    Leelee @ paperbagstyling

  3. lol. i also enjoy a nice edge, i guess i'm weird like that too. The before and after pictures are satisfyingly dramatic.

  4. I love your edging! I have an edge free and weed heavy garden though. No nesting here lol!

  5. We so need to edge our beds too! Thanks for the motivation, Girlie!

    BTW... you look great!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! I hope you will join us again this Saturday at 8:00 am EST!

    ~ Ashley


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