
Friday, March 14, 2014

Hello Spring [Wall Art]

I have had these frames hanging in our dining room for a while and for a long time, they had a map of the United States split up into the 6 of them.  I was never really crazy about it, but I was too lazy preoccupied to find something better to do with the frames.  I have finally gotten around to updating everything and I gave it a little touch of Spring!

We live in Ohio... So, a couple of days ago, it was beautiful, sunny and in the 60s.  Today, there's still just a few snow flakes still on the ground from a recent snowfall.  I may have been a little too early with welcoming Spring, but I can't help it.  It's mid-March.  It's time! :)

The frames are bigger than any paper I have on hand to be able to use as a background, so I ended up using felt that I was able to buy from a bolt at Jo-Ann Fabrics.  I just trimmed it to fit and laid the card stock on top.  No glue or anything so it'll be easy to exchange in a few weeks months with something fresh.

I'm loving the new pop of color and the promise that Spring will be here soon!  We are so looking forward to finally taking more walks and enjoying the warm weather together.


  1. Congratulations! You are one of my Liebster award winners! I love love love your blog! Check out the rules here >>>

  2. LOL...I was just about to tell you I have nominated you for a Liebster award as well. I guess I will go find another amazing blog. BUT I want you to know I love your projects and your blog!

    1. hahaha You would be my 4th nomination ;) It's like a virus going around! So sweet of you to think of me, though and THANK YOU for stopping by. I hope you come back again and check out a few projects.

    2. P.S. If you see this, could you leave me your blog address? :)

  3. Janice, this project is amazing! Love the art walls! Thank you so much for the inspirations

  4. I'm going to have to do one big Liebster award post pronto! Thank you so much for your nomination. I received one from Ashley @ 3 Little Greenwoods RIGHT before I was forced to take my blogging break due to severe morning sickness with my third pregnancy... But now that I'm back in action (slowly but surly), I'd love to incorporate both nominations into one big post. So thankful for both of you girls and to be recognized.


If you have a question and your profile is attached to your email address, I'll send you an email! If not, check back here and I'll leave your response under your comment. Don't have a question? I'd love for you to say "hello", anyway! :)