
Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Find: How to Fold a Fitted Sheet

This may have been the greatest thing I have ever seen.  It takes me longer than 30 seconds to wad my fitted sheet up into a wrinkly, large mess.  This guy uses some sort of witch craft, I'm sure, but he give us all something to aspire to.  Am I right?  

Well, I hope you are all running off to re-fold your fitted sheets.  Get it done now so the rest of your weekend will be super peaceful knowing your sheets are nice and tidy.  OR!  Just keep that linen closet closed and enjoy your weekend anyway!



  1. Okay! Where is my daughter and what have you done to her...... FYI it looks like that sheet had been ironed first. lol

    1. Yes... Not ironing sheets. That's crazy talk! And I'm definitely taking the approach of keeping the linen closet closed this weekend, don't worry! I just thought it was a crazy video! <3


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